Green School Certification Program: Award Distribution Ceremony


The Green School Certification Program (GSCP) takes immense pride in commemorating the esteemed partners, educators, and students who have made a profound impact through their unwavering commitment to this transformative initiative.

LBF recently held an award distribution ceremony to pay tribute to their outstanding contributions to the pilot phase of the program, and in shaping a more environmentally conscious future.

This pilot project has generated a scalable module that aims to create ‘Green Schools Policy Recommendations’, a resource manual for training teachers to deliver climate science information and a checklist of localised sustainable solutions for schools. All schools will be required to complete the program to receive the Green School Certification. As a result of this project, LBF along with its partners aims to aid selected schools in becoming ‘ecologically green institutions’. And, it is projected to produce a mitigating effect on the current climate crisis the city is facing.

In addition to schools, the Aabroo Educational Welfare Organization will play a crucial role in promoting zero-waste policies within all government offices and workspaces throughout Lahore. This initiative involves comprehensive recycling practices for all organic, plastic, paper, and metal waste, paving the way for a cleaner and healthier environment.

Looking ahead to the next phase of the program, we have initiated a plantation drive in the Shadman area of Lahore. This endeavour places special emphasis on the surroundings of the Ganda Nala, as planting trees in this region will significantly enhance the overall health of the ecosystem. As part of this initiative, LBF has proposed the installation of a bar within the Nala, which will effectively remove plastic waste from the water stream. This innovative step towards sustainable living and responsible waste management practices marks a crucial milestone in our journey.

Furthermore, the second phase of the Green School Certification Program will be expanded to encompass public and private schools in the Shadman area. By involving both sectors, we aim to create a profound impact on the community and raise awareness about the vital importance of environmental conservation. This initiative is a significant stride towards constructing a greener, more sustainable future for Shadman and beyond.

More information about the initiative can be viewed here.