LB01 Academic Forum
The Academic Forum is an integral dimension of the Lahore Biennale. It aims to foster broad and imaginative discussions on art, culture, and society by bringing comparative and cross-disciplinary perspectives from other locations to Lahore. The Academic Forum brings over a dozen distinguished international curators, critics, and scholars to give public lectures, participate in panel discussions, conduct workshops, and do studio visits with local artists. Topics selected have comparative relevance for the artistic, academic, and public context of Lahore. Highlighted in this edition’s Academic Forum are a series of lectures and workshops spread over the course of the Biennale. These primarily outline contemporary discourse surrounding left-leaning politics, cinema in Pakistan, food culture, anti-colonial movements, feminist transnational networks, and problems inherent to the historiography of Indian art criticism amongst others.
تدریسی فورم
تدریسی فورم لاہور بینالے کا ایک اہم جزو ہے جس کا مقصد فن، ثقافت، اور معاشرے پر تخیلاتی بحث و تمحیص کو فروغ دینا ہے ،دیگر جگہوں سے مختلف نظریات کو اکٹھا کیا گیا ہے۔ تدریسی فورم نے ایک درجن سے زائد بین الااقوامی کیوریٹرز ، نقادوں، اور دانشوروں کو لیکچر ، پینلز بحث میں حصہ لینے ورکشاپ منعقد کرنے اور مقامی فنکاروں کے ساتھ سٹوڈیو کا دورہ کرنے کی دعوت دی ہے۔ منتخب کردہ موضوعات میں لاہور کے فنی، تعلیمی اور عوامی سیاق سباق سے نسبتاََ مطابقت ہے ، موضوعات میں سٹوڈیو پریکٹس اور سماجی اشتراک کے درمیان تبادلہ شامل ہے ۔
Lecture & Panel Discussions

March 20, 2018
Lahore and the Missing History of Bombay Cinema – Ashish Rajadhyaksha

March 31, 2018
Architecture And Urban Development of Istanbul in the 2000s – Esra Akcan

March 30, 2018
Regional perspectives and beyond: A case study of Jim Thompson Art Center, Bangkok – Gridthiya Gaweewong

March 31, 2018
Settling Dreams – Ijlal Muzaffar

March 19, 2018
Hacking the Grid: Urban Interventions by Artists from Southeast Asia – Pamela Corey

March 28, 2018
Modernist Maneuvers: The Paintings of Amrita Sher-Gil – Saloni Mathur

March 23, 2018
On Failure – Sean Anderson

March 20, 2018
One Hundred Thousand Small Tales: Contemporary Art of Sri Lanka – Sharmini Pereira

March 29, 2018
Making Place: Contemporary Art in India – Sonal Khullar

March 21, 2018
Curating on the Border – Srimoyee Mitra

March 23, 2018
The Necropolitics of Extraction: Activist-art, Intersectionality, and Geopower – T.J. Demos

March 31, 2018
State of Opacity: Curatorial Workshop – Workshop led by Elvira Dyangani Ose & Sadia Shirazi

March 22, 2018
Art Writing – Workshop led by Iftikhar Dadi

March 27, 2018
Climate Justice and Critical Aesthetic Practice Today – Workshop led by T.J. Demos
The Academic Forum was organised by Iftikhar Dadi.
Iftikhar Dadi is professor in Cornell’s Department of History of Art. He is the author of Modernism and the Art of Muslim South Asia (2010) and the edited monograph Anwar Jalal Shemza (2015). He has co-edited Lines of Control: Partition as a Productive Space (2012); and Unpacking Europe: Towards a Critical Reading (2001). Dadi serves on the editorial advisory boards of the journals Archives of Asian Art; BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies; and Art Journal (2007-2011). He is advisor to Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong), and co-director of The Institute for Comparative Modernities at Cornell University. Dadi received his Ph.D. from Cornell University.
The Academic Forum and its workshops are supported by the American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS)